Friday, September 01, 2006

Bookworm Report, August 2006

School starts next Tuesday and Ollie goes to First Grade. Pickle-boy (the 3yo's new nickname) is wearing undies for the first time -- Bob the Builder, in fact. Change is definitely in the air.

Bookworm Review
Year Pages Books
2001 2,969 7
2002 3,440 9
2003 1,257 4
2004 3,619 9
2005 5,783 15
2006 4,301 11

For the year, I’ve read 87 books, or 32,503 pages, which averages to 11 books a month, or 4,063 pages per month, and an average book length of 374 pages.

Doing a review for every book I read has become quite tedious. Sometimes a book is perfectly charming, entertaining and sweet, but I don't have anything meaningful to say about it. I'm going to cut back on the number of reviews and do some real blog posts again. I realized that I hadn't done many lately and kinda miss sharing some thoughts with y'all.

I might even be brave enough to post some more poetry. The feedback I received was fantastic.

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