Monday, September 11, 2006

Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich

Title: Twelve Sharp

Author: Janet Evanovich

Genre: Chick Lit

Summary: Stephanie Plum is back. This time she's bait for the killer who's gunning for Ranger.

The Take-Away: She still manages to blow-up a car (sorry, hope that wasn't too much of a spoiler for you) but it wasn't hers. The secondary characters aren't as overwhelming in this title as they have been in the past, but LuLu and Grandma Muzer still have some great moments. Surprisingly, they both take place at the funeral parlor, which has new owners. Grandma Muzer's involves a new occupation, and LuLu is directly responsible for it.

The Ranger / Morelli love triangle lives Stephanie as indecisive as ever, but new information is revealed that adds another layer and kept me hanging for more.

With twelve titles under her belt, I wonder how much longer Stephanie can spin along both men that are lusting after her.

Word Nerd interviewed Evanovich as part of her Author Answers. A great piece of writing advice came from that column -- "Never hold anything back for the next book." Makes one wonder whats coming up in the next books.

Recommendation: Hopefully you've been reading the series all along. Completely worth the wait.

August Titles

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