Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Different Sort of Novel

Randy Ingermanson, the author of the the Snowflake Method has a has a Ph.D. in theoretical physics and writes novels with Christians in them. I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up Premonition, the novel on which his example snowflake is based. I was interested, but my past experience with Christian novels didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. This one was quite good. It deals with the first century Christian church and the relationships between the various inevitable sects. Two of the characters are from modern day American who time travelled there in a previous novel and a messed-up experiment. Rivka is a fascinating woman struggling with her modern ideas and concepts in a society that ignores and suppresses women. This is the middle of three novels, Transgression is the first and Retribution the last. I intend to go back and catch the other two as well. In Double Vision, Rivka's cousin, Rachel, is a brilliant bio chemist involved in a modern day intrigue. She has invented a bio computer. Along with the code written by senior programmer Dillon Richard, a high-functioning autistic, their invention will rock the world of encryption and our ideas of security. But someone else wants it and will do anything to get it. Excerpts of this novel are available on Mr. Ingermanson's website.

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