Title: Voyager
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Genre: Fantasy
WARNING: This is part of a series. If you haven't read the previous books, I'm probably going to spoil something for you.
Summary: Jamie and Claire are reunited after twenty years. Time has changed each of them; before they can re-discover each other, they must save Jamie from the collapse of his various identies.
The Take-Away: I'm continually blown away by the writing of this series. Jamie and Claire's relationship makes me jealous. Their unconditional love and trust, even when everything else is against them, astounds me.
Although twenty years were lost to each other, life did go on for both. Now that they are together, they must decide if their love is strong enough to withstand Jamie's continually running from the law, a family that doesn't understand where Claire has been, and a sea voyage that takes them to a new world.
Honestly, I thought that there was no way for the author to continue this story for another book, perserving the integrity of the characters, without a series of randomn events connected by Jamie and Claire. Instead, I'm drawn in, frantic for them to find one another and, once they do, fight their way out of the sticky situation that they were forced into.
I'm anxious for the next title, Drums of Autumn. Now that Claire is firmly entrenched in the past, I wonder what has happened to her daughter, Brianna. Or if Claire will try to leave notes for Brianna to discover during her lifetime. Yet, a tiny piece of me thinks, is it possible for the next one to be as enthralling as the last one?
So far the answer has been yes.
Recommendation: The beginning is always an excellent place to start, but Gabaldon expertly handles the backstory required, if this is your first foray between her covers.
August Titles
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The Outlander Series