Thursday, June 24, 2004


Is it any wonder that I am overweight? You can be pleasant and say stuff like "I'm still losing the baby fat," but get real. The whole nation is fat. Better bang for our buck at fast food places means that "super-sized" isn't an option, but part of the meal now. If you aren't sure what I mean, check out Hardee's. The ones in town have a small, medium and large combo options. The small drink is a 24 oz cup. It only gets worse from there. Added to the conundrum of fast food places is the diet programs -- all backed by scientific evidence that completely contradicts one another. Is eating red meat good or bad for you? I couldn't even get a nurse to answer the question. Her response was "I wouldn't ever recommend it as the best way to get iron." If people had to go back to hunting and gathering, we'd starve. That's the conclusion I've come to as Hubby-dear has come home from yet another fishing expedition sans fish. And with the amount of rain has fallen upon us this year, the garden isn't so good either. It's still in the starter cups, dying a slow death. In the mean time, I'll keep running after my kids and eating the stuff I think is good for me while attempting to stay away from large boxes of chocolate. I know what a big box of Godiva does by my ass, even if the scientists aren't quite sure.

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