Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Releases

USA Today has a great interactive Flash form to display the new releases of January, February, March and April. Their Winter Book Preview brings some great titles for the first portion of the year, like The Senator's Wife by Sue Miller and The Appeal by John Grisham.

I've read some great things about both titles. Sue Miller would be a new author to me, but the review at Amazon intrigues me:

Meri is newly married, pregnant, and standing on the cusp of her life as a wife and mother, recognizing with some terror the gap between reality and expectation. Delia Naughton—wife of the two-term liberal senator Tom Naughton—is Meri’s new neighbor in the adjacent New England town house. Delia’s husband’s chronic infidelity has been an open secret in Washington circles, but despite the complexity of their relationship, the bond between them remains strong. What keeps people together, even in the midst of profound betrayal? How can a journey imperiled by, and sometimes indistinguishable from, compromise and disappointment culminate in healing and grace? Delia and Meri find themselves leading strangely parallel lives, both reckoning with the contours and mysteries of marriage, one refined and abraded by years of complicated intimacy, the other barely begun.

I love stories about women whose lives are thrown into turmoil and how they overcome it.

Grisham's offering is a return his legal thrillers. My husband's excited. This is a must purchase in my house.

What titles caught your eye?

Thanks, Word Nerd, for pointing this reader to the article.

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