Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Book Review

Title:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Author: J.K. Rowling Genre: Fantasy Summary: Further exploits of the battle against evil. Seriously, if you don't know what it is about by now, you'd better start at the beginning. What was Good: About half of the questions I had were answered. Being able to see the beginning of Voldemart's rise and Harry's own personal history were fascinating. What wasn't: I throw my towel in with those that think Rowkling left too much of the book to rely on current events rather than building the terror into the words of the novel as was done in Book 5. Then again, if she had done that, she would have added at least 300+ words, and when it comes to length, more is better. The Take-Away: While half of the questions were answered, I'm left wondering if Dumbledore is dead or is it another hoax. What really is going on with Malfoy and Snape? Too many questions remain for this to be resolved. Recommendation: Buy it, along with the other five. After Book 7 is out, let the real discussions begin. The best part of Rowling's work is the effect, not the cause. Kids (and adults) everywhere are stopping to read. While they wait for the next installment, they are looking for other things to read. Rowling isn't the best fiction writer of all time. Others are equally as good, possibly even better. Fantasy authors are being discovered and publications are up because of the stir she has caused. That is what truly needs to be celebrated and not just the continuation of the story.

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