Thursday, June 28, 2007

Savage Run by C J Box

Title: Savage Run

Author: C J Box

Genre: Mystery

Summary: Joe Pickett is called to the scene of an explosion. The local sheriff wants the input of the game warden since several cows were damaged and their owners will need to be contacted. Neither expected to find a body in the rubble.

The Take-Away: Box makes the most of the Wyoming back drop in this title. I never understood how to use setting to the advantage of the story, but Box makes it seem simple. To a fellow writer, that translates into lots of hard work.

Box also places Pickett in danger this time, sparing his wife and daughters. I appreciated that distinction in this title, instead of relying on Pickett to be the hero that saves the day.

Recommendation: I'm really enjoying the slow, steady pace of this series. Off to get the next one.

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