Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bookworm Report, January 2006

It's raining today. There's the distictive feel of March in the air, only it's February. Our most recent heating bill showed how mild of a winter it's been. It was nice to see, I must admit, even as I fret about the global impact such weather can be having.

Squire, bring forth The List!

Bookworm Review
Year Pages Books
2001 8,006 25
2002 3,995 12
2003 887 2
2004 1,654 5
2005 2,714 8
2006 3,434 11

For the year, I've read 11 books, or 3.434 pages, which averages to 11 books a month, or 3,434 pages per month, and an average book length of 312 pages.

I've got quite the extensive "To Read" list. It currently hosts 116 titles. My loose goal for the year is to read the ones that made the list in 2005. I just hope I don't get carried away in adding titles in 2006.

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