Wednesday, September 22, 2004

NaNoWriMo Update

I found out that Oshkosh lacks a coordinator for the National Write a Novel Month. But I did find out the posting spot to find any others who might be in the area and attempting this insanity. Those outside of my writing group, that is. Yesterday I outlined my idea. I decided on the format of a chapter a day, 30 or so chapters. Some of them will fall short of the word count I am imposing on myself. I decided to go with a 2,000 words a day plan as weekends generally suck for me. Then if I manage to find time, well, hip-hip-hooray. But if I don't, then I won't hurt myself. The site recommended making the story somewhat autobiographical in nature, so you don't get hung up in research. I'm going for that approach. I'm even going to steal people from my childhood and use them as characters. Or at least, the extremes of their personalities that I remember. And then I'll exploit them for my own purposes. (My writing group had a discussion on doing this. We came to the consensus that you can't help but taking bits and pieces of what you know, wrap it with another bit and twist the two together.) As I don't plan on ever doing anything real with this, I'm going to be as mean and petty as I can with some people and overly kind and generous with others. It all depends on what I remember of them from my childhood. I have nine chapters outlined so far. That's a decent start, I'd say. Until I did the word count and realized how long it took me to get to 1200 words. This is going to take more time than I thought.

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