Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Book Club

I'm thinking about doing away with this site. I don't have a tracker on it, so I don't know if anyone is using it. What I would do instead review the books I've read at raspberry-latte.blogspot.com I'm kinda lazy about reviewing, I found, as it requires a separate site. If you are really a fan of it, though, comment please and I'll keep them separate.


Prahagirl said...

I enjoyed it as it gave me a different venue to find a good book, but I can COMPLETELY understand....that's the way it has become with my site and reviewing the genealogy sites....

Stacie Penney said...

I'd still review, but just not separately...If I were smarter with the HTML, I'd figure out a way to classify the posts and then you could search by classification.

Have you tried bookcrossing.com? It's really cool. I'm obsessed with it right now.

I wonder if you could search with google? Hmmm...I'll have to try.

Also, do you get an email when I comment on your comment? Just curious.


Prahagirl said...

I only get an email from blogger when I post a new post on my own blog. I do not get one when I comment on other sites or when they reply to my comment on their own sites. (Did that make sense? lol) I just happen to check back daily. No I haven't tried bookcrossing.com yet...I will save it for the next summer. That's when I allow myself to read "new" books. I just don't have time during the school year!

Stacie Penney said...

Okay, thanks. I get one, but then again it is my blog.