Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Why do people have websites?

The above question was recently posed to me by my mother, upon her discovery that I have a website. "Why?" said she. "What's the purpose?" A just question. A fair question. Perplexing to answer in simple terms. True, it takes up time that probably could be better spent. I always have housework to do afterall (two kids, a dog and husband. Need I say more?) True, I'm probably closer to polluting the electronic void than publishing worthwhile endevours, but I know that my posts are more enlightening that some of the other blogs that are out there. At least I post regularly. A quick search quickly reveals how many are started with fair to middlin' intentions that are never followed up on. True, I have some personal writing goals that are being neglected even as we speak, er, type, er, read. But all forms of writing are good, I argue. And a writer should spend a portion of each day writing. In theory, this is a small portion of my writing day. Praytell, how did I answer said question? With a shrug and a smile. Afterall, what truly is the point of doing anything? Love or money. And I haven't received any checks in the mail lately...

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