Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Innocent Man by John Grisham

Title: The Innocent Man

Author: John Grisham

Genre: Non-Fiction

Summary: The judicial system failed four men who are incarcerated on death row.

The Take-Away: It is evident within pages as to who Grisham believes is guilty of the murder that sent Ron Williamson to prison and eventually death row. At times, I feared that the fixative for the type wasn't going to last the test of time because the sarcasm was so heavy. Surely, it would pull the text from the pages with its weight. It did not.

Many reviews challenge supporters of the death penalty, declaring that this book is a prime example of why it should be abolished. I disagree. I believe that the system truly failed the four men, and not just Ron Williamson. Perhaps it was Grisham's bias that made it obvious to me that Ron's mental state should have been reviewed. However, in an Amazon interview, Grisham states:

Exonerations seem to be happening weekly. And with each one of them, the question is asked--how can an innocent man be convicted and kept in prison for 20 years? My book is the story of only one man, but it is a good example of how things can go terribly wrong with our judicial system. I have no idea how the book will be received in the small town of Ada, Oklahoma, or any other town.

Instead of challenging the rightness or wrongness of the death penalty, challenge the system which placed them there. In the same interview, Grisham also stated:

Even as a former criminal defense attorney, I had never spent much time worrying about wrongful convictions. But, unfortunately, they happen all the time in this country, and with increasing frequency.

Some of the books should have been cut down. Ron's story of mental illness was played too many times. I felt like saying, "I got it already." But other angles, like his unsuccessful rehabilitation and forced drug abuse illustrated other areas that demand reform and assistance.

Recommendation: Read it, but be prepared for the sarcasm

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How Much Consideration Do You Give a Book?

The first chapter? The first sentence? The cover?

Personally, it depends. I read almost everything I pick-up because time is limited at the library or book store. I can't spend fifteen minutes searching for a book usually. Instead, I tend to rely on referrals or authors I've already read. It has to be pretty bad for me to put it down. I'll finish it, but I won't devour it.

Kristin Nelson recently posted about her limit for manuscript pages -- two pages. She states:

When reading sample pages, I have literally stopped reading after the first opening paragraph. (Sometimes the writing is just that bad.)

That’s pretty rare. However, I’d say, on average, that I can tell a NO within the first two to five pages of a submission.

I know this is probably appalling for writers. How can ANYONE make a determination in such a short span of pages?

Trust me. Spend one week at an agency reading the submissions and after you’ve read thousands and thousands of partials, you know.

And while I do trust her, I wouldn't need the explanation of experience. The last time I did have the luxury of alone time at a bookstore, I walked past hundreds of titles without pulling a one off the shelf to read the back cover, the first paragraph or the first chapter. Why do authors assume that their query or requested pages will be any different? Simply because it is her job?

The comments get pretty hot and heated when Kirstin has a post like this. I applaud her strength to continue sharing such thoughts, even when she anticipates the reaction she will receive.

Monday, February 26, 2007

All the Numbers by Judy Merrill Larsen

Title: All the Numbers

Author: Judy Merrill Larsen

Genre: Women Lit

Summary: A mother's worst dreams are realized when her son James is killed during a Jet Ski accident.

The Take-Away: This book should be sold with a box of Kleenex attached.

Larsen successfully laid the stage of an peaceful summer day, complete with kids playing the water and adults relaxing by the shore. Too perfect for a novel, so the reader is ready for the tragedy that occurs. The unexpected is the initial prosecutor's reaction - they won't try the case.

Instead of giving up, Ellen appealed and forced me to go through the heart-wrenching year of preparing for the trial, and its effect on the family. Larsen definitely captures the anguish, guilt and sorrow of several family members. Even though the story is told from Ellen's point of view, the grief of her other son, Daniel, is not over looked. Nor is that of her parents or the family members affected.

While I found the book to be excellent, I couldn't devour it in one sitting, to know that all is made better, if not right, by the end. Ellen's emotional roller coaster was conveyed so well, that I had to put it down. To move on and give my little ones a hug. Ellen experienced the worst and showed how to survive.

I don't want to spoil the ending, but once the trial is underway, the ending I wanted was delivered. It made the story bittersweet.

Recommendation: Have some tissues handy.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Plum Lovin' by Janet Evanovich

Title: Plum Lovin'

Author: Janet Evanovich

Genre: Chick Lit

Summary: Stephanie gets pulled into the paranormal when Diesel returns. He has her current FTA in his custody and won't turn her over until he finds Bennie.

The Take-Away: Short, sweet, but same old, same old. Stephanie needs something other than paranormal elements to jazz up her life. The Ranger-Morelli thing is only alluded to, but Diesel is just barely resistible. Does Stephanie ever have to deal with dating an ordinary guy?

Recommendation: If you're tired of the numbered series, skip this one too. Otherwise, it's better than most sitcoms on the tube these days.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Words For 2007

Have these shown up in your inbox? How many of them apply to your workplace?

BLAMESTORMING: Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.

SEAGULL MANAGER: A manager, who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves.

ASSMOSIS: The process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by kissing up to the boss rather than working hard.

SALMON DAY: The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die in the end.

CUBE FARM : An office filled with cubicles.

PRAIRIE DOGGING: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on.

MOUSE POTATO: The on-line, wired generation's answer to the couch potato.

SITCOMs: Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. What Yuppies get into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids.

STRESS PUPPY: A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny.

SWIPEOUT: An ATM or credit card that has been rendered useless because magnetic strip is worn away from extensive use.

XEROX SUBSIDY: Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one's workplace.

IRRITAINMENT< /SPAN>: Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them.

PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.

ADMINISPHERE: The rarefied organizational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve.

404: Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error Message "404 Not Found," meaning that the requested site could not be located.

GENERICA: Features of the American landscape that are exactly the same no matter where one is, such as fast food joints, strip malls, and subdivisions.

OHNOSECOND: That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just made a BIG mistake. (Like after hitting send on an email by mistake).

WOOFS: Well-Off Older Folks.

CROP DUSTING: Surreptitiously passing gas while passing through a Cube Farm.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Black Unicorn by Terry Brooks

Title: The Black Unicorn

Author: Terry Brooks

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: The previous owner wants his magic kingdom back.

The Take-Away: A nice follow-up, but I'm going to spoil a couple of things if you haven't read the first one.

While it was great to see the lengths to which the wizard Meeks would go to get the kingdom back from Ben Holiday (the lawyer from Chicago.) In fact, since Meeks never really intended for Holiday to stay, he was quite determined to get the kingdom back.

After Meeks deceives Holiday and gets back to Landover, Holiday's adventure highlights how well he is ruling the kingdom, and getting the disjointed factions back to working together. Part of me wonders how well this is going. Part of me realizes that this wouldn't be the best storyline for Brooks to follow, even though I'm more curious than what was answered in the book. The havoc with the reluctantly-previous owner is quite rightly the focus.

Recommendation: While I liked the first one better, the second in the series isn't the failsafe for continuing -- Book Three is (regardless of the series.) Since I haven't read that one yet, I can't give this one an accurate shakedown.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Ten Names

I stole this from Michelle who was tagged by Karmela. It's a case where stealing is good.

C'mon, Kelli, admit it. That gave you a nasty flash back.


  1. YOUR REAL NAME: Stacie Penney
  2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first three letters of your name, plus izzle) Staizzle (eww.)
  3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three of your last) S-Pen
  4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav color and fav animal) Purple Hamster (wtf? it sounds like a porn name)
  5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, Street you live on): Lynne Lark
  6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 3 letters of mom’s maiden name) Pen St Pai
  7. SUPERHERO NAME: (favorite color, favorite drink) Purple Brandy Old Fashion (the drunk all-inclusive superhero)
  8. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of your dad’s middle name, 1st letter of a sibling’s first name, last letter of your moms middle name) Tnyanje
  9. YOUR STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/body spray) Raspberries
  10. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father’s middle name) Joyce Lynn

Monday, February 19, 2007

Magic Kingdom for Sale -- Sold! by Terry Brooks

Title: Magic Kingdom for Sale--Sold!

Author: Terry Brooks

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: A Chicago lawyer is missing something from his life, but he can't quite put his finger on what it is, until a listing in a Christmas catalog for a magic kingdom catches his eye.

The Take-Away: A very clever fantasy novel. What working adult wouldn't like to escape to a magic kingdom? To find that magic works and mystical creature live? Of course, there's a catch. After twenty-some odd years, the kingdom is in less than stellar shape. No money in the treasury, no army and enemies abound. It's not so much as a kingdom, as a living castle and a strong sense of responsibility without authority.

The title was published in 1986 when third person point of view was the standard. If written today, it would benefit from a switch to first person.

The series is a bit of required reading for a secret project that I'm working on. I lack a strong foundation in fantasy, and need to get some basics under my belt. I enjoyed the escapist mentality and tried not to notice the dated writing style. Since I'm researching fantastical elements, I don't have comments on the use of magic or the worldbuilding. Yet.

Recommendation: A great escape and a promising start to the series.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

Title: Northanger Abbey

Author: Jane Austen

Genre: Chick Lit

Summary: Catherine vacations first in Bath, then is invited to Northanger Abbey where her heart is won, broken and redeemed.

The Take-Away: Even though this book was written during the Victorian era of England's history, I'd like to highlight several modern aspects that we would consider good.

Tagless dialogue. No weird adverbs or alternatives like "stated, replied, cried," etc. Long sections were completely tagless, leaving the speaker's voice to identify themselves. Some of the interchanges were too long and a tag or two would have made sure I was still reading it accurately.

If I recall right, Emma "cries" frequently. As in "Clever dialogue of somesort," cried Emma. I'll verfy that once I re-read it.

The other bit that really struck me was how little people change. Check out this exchange between Catherine, our heroine, and her friend Isabella.

"But I thought, Isabella, you had something in particular to tell me?"

"Oh! Yes, and so I have. But here is a proof of what I was saying. My poor head, I had quite forgot it. Well, the thing is this: I have just had a letter from John; you can guess the contents."

"No, indeed, I cannot."

"My sweet love, do not be so abominably affected. What can he write about, but yourself? You know he is over head and ears in love with you."

"With me, dear Isabella!"

"Nay, my sweetest Catherine, this is being quite absurd! Modesty, and all that, is very well in its way, but really a little common honesty is sometimes quite as becoming. I have no idea of being so overstrained! It is fishing for compliments. His attentions were such as a child must have noticed. And it was but half an hour before he left Bath that you gave him the most positive encouragement. He says so in this letter, says that he as good as made you an offer, and that you received his advances in the kindest way; and now he wants me to urge his suit, and say all manner of pretty things to you. So it is in vain to affect ignorance."

Isabella is clearly in control of the situation. She feels that she is more worldly than Catherine, especially in matters of love. Most women will tell you that this sort of thing is frequent, and not just in the literature that they read.

And while scandals abound, everything is resolved happily by the end of the novel, in spite of the misinformation that one character insists upon spreading (I'll let you figure out who it is.)

An interesting point about Austen's technique. The conflict is well established, the characters are consistent to themselves, but the ending falls. Instead of showing the events, as she did up to and through the climax, the ending is a series of author intrusions that tell the events. If she had stuck with showing how it worked out instead, it would have been a better novel. Sequentially, this was one of the first written, but latter published. Austen does a better job as she grows as a writer.

Recommendation: An appreciation for classics is a requirement, but there are good things in here too for the modern reader.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

California to secedes from the Union?

Gar Alperovitz reports that it might be possible.

SOMETHING interesting is happening in California. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger seems to have grasped the essential truth that no nation — not even the United States — can be managed successfully from the center once it reaches a certain scale. Moreover, the bold proposals that Mr. Schwarzenegger is now making for everything from universal health care to global warming point to the kind of decentralization of power which, once started, could easily shake up America’s fundamental political structure.

Governor Schwarzenegger is quite clear that California is not simply another state. “We are the modern equivalent of the ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta,” he recently declared. “We have the economic strength, we have the population and the technological force of a nation-state.” In his inaugural address, Mr. Schwarzenegger proclaimed, “We are a good and global commonwealth.”

Political rhetoric? Maybe. But California’s governor has also put his finger on a little discussed flaw in America’s constitutional formula. The United States is almost certainly too big to be a meaningful democracy. What does “participatory democracy” mean in a continent? Sooner or later, a profound, probably regional, decentralization of the federal system may be all but inevitable.

It seems like something one would read during Alternative History 101, not the NY Times. However, I can see where some would entertain the idea. After all, don't most mid-westerners feel like the coastal cities already are a different country, if not on a different planet?

I deal with transportation as part of my day job. People tend to forget that Mexico and Canada are different countries. I dread thinking what would happen to rates if California or the New England states were to secedes. Duties and tax schedules would go haywire.

On the other hand, what would it mean for representation? Would the government become more responsive to the needs of its now comprehensible population? Where would drinking laws and military service be?

The possibilities are both endless and fascinating. As a Wisconsinite, my country would still have ocean going access and, if we were to make friendly with Illinois, we'd still have a major shipping port and financial hub. But what about sparsely populated states like Montana or Wyoming? Where would they ally themselves? To the east or west?

By the way, if you have troubles with the NY Times site, try using Bug Me Not for a dummy log-in. Then you won't be subject to their marketing or spam.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dark Lover by J R Ward

Title: Dark Lover, first a series

Author: J R Ward

Genre: Paranormal

Summary: A newsreporter is about to be transformed into a vampire; her father asks his best friend to watch over and protect her from their enemies.

The Take-Away: Sounds rather generic, but the transformation isn't because she's been bitten. In this series, vampires are a different species. You can't be bitten, they won't drink your blood and they simply want to be left to their own devices.

But they do have a ruling class, but their king just wants to be one of the six warriors and not a leader. The Scribe Virgin has other plans for him. She doesn't coerce him, but she is awfully persuasive.

I really liked this book. Everything from the author's voice, tone and style, to the twisting of the vampire lore. I can't wait to read the others; there's six total in the series.

Recommendation: Get it, and wait for the others.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Stacy's Pita Chips

Are you a natural Stacy?

If so, you might have received a sample box of Stacy's Pita Chips recently. I did. And I'm a natural Stacie (but I spell it right.)

The website is full of recipes based on ingredients you have on hand as well as where you can find them in stores or online. You can't request a sample online, even if you are a natural Stacy, but cross your fingers. Those that received them have the chance to send a sample to a friend.

The chips were really good. We've tried two of the bags and have three more waiting for us. We'll probably pick some up next time we need chips.

Monday, February 12, 2007

White is for Magic by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Title: White is for Magic

Author: Laurie Faria Stolarz

Genre: Paranormal

Summary: It's senior year and Stacey's nightmares are back. Not only is Maura haunting her still, but Veronica is doing her share as well. Is Jacob, a transfer student, really trying to help her?

The Take-Away: I have to admit, that I thought this was the first book in the series, but it's the second. I'm confused as to why Stacey is at a boarding school, but I did get a tiny hint. Bonus points to anyone that does some research or asks the author and reports back to me.

Stacey's nightmares aren't as clear cut this time. She has to rely on and trust others, something that doesn't come easy for her. At the high point in the novel, Stacey continues not trusting people. Without giving too much away, by staying in character, Stacey doesn't make the best decision. But it's true to herself. I imagine that this was agony to the author, but necessary.

Recommendation: You won't be ruin too much, if you start with this one, but the first title, Blue is for Nightmares, is great also.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Title: Blue is for Nightmares

Author: Laurie Faria Stolarz

Genre: Mystery

Summary: A teen witch dreams of her roommates murder.

The Take-Away: As a second in a series, the back story was handled well, except that it left one burning question in my mind: Why is Stacey at a boarding school? It didn't seem like it had anything to do with her parents, money or religion but no answer was given either. I assume that the answer is adequately explained in the first book.

This book is very detailed about how witchcraft works in Stacey's world. I enjoyed the explanations, but can see this becoming controversial, if the wrong parent/group were to read it. Personally, I would let my kids read it, and then discuss. But I'd do that with any book that they read. This isn't a Harry Potter type witch. Think white magic and Wicca.

It doesn't quite make the jump to appeal to the average adult reader, but neither would it be taxing to read, if you wanted to keep up with your kids.

Recommendation: Great title if you have teens or need to know what's hot their market.

Bonus Review: Melanie Lynne Hauser

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Enigma by Robert Harris

Title: Enigma

Author: Robert Harris

Genre: Thriller

Summary: The British Allies are facing pressure from the American forces to break Enigma again. The return of star codebreaker Thomas Jericho coinsidences with the disappearance of his ex-lover, who he suspects was a traitor.

The Take-Away: Even though the math was over my head, the discussion of it was built up so expertly, I trusted the characters. And, it only covered a small part of the book. The plot's focus instead was on the missing girl and getting back into Enigma after the Germans change the code books.

The two plots don't cross. Jericho doesn't need the missing Claire to crack the code, and it only side tracks him a bit. A very minor plot point was overlooked when Jericho contradicts his supervisor in front of the Americans. It's a temporary conflict that wasn't exploited to the max. I would have rather seen that then all of the doings with Claire.

Recommendation: Good, if you like historical thrillers.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

John Updike's Rules for Reviewing

I found the rules at Book Critecs Circle, but don't remember how I got there.

Thirty-one years ago, in the introduction to "Picked Up Pieces," his second collection of assorted prose, John Updike laid down his own six rules for reviewing. They are still the single best guide to fairness today:

"My rules," he writes, "shaped intaglio-fashion by youthful traumas at the receiving end of critical opinion, were and are:

  1. Try to understand what the author wished to do, and do not blame him for not achieving what he did not attempt.
  2. Give him enough direct quotation--at least one extended passage--of the book's prose so the review's reader can form his own impression, can get his own taste.
  3. Confirm your description of the book with quotation from the book, if only phrase-long, rather than proceeding by fuzzy precis.
  4. Go easy on plot summary, and do not give away the ending. (How astounded and indignant was I, when innocent, to find reviewers blabbing, and with the sublime inaccuracy of drunken lords reporting on a peasants' revolt, all the turns of my suspenseful and surpriseful narrative! Most ironically, the only readers who approach a book as the author intends, unpolluted by pre-knowledge of the plot, are the detested reviewers themselves. And then, years later, the blessed fool who picks the volume at random from a library shelf.)
  5. If the book is judged deficient, cite a successful example along the same lines, from the author's ouevre or elsewhere. Try to understand the failure. Sure it's his and not yours?

To these concrete five might be added a vaguer sixth, having to do with maintaining a chemical purity in the reaction between product and appraiser. Do not accept for review a book you are predisposed to dislike, or committed by friendship to like. Do not imagine yourself a caretaker of any tradition, an enforcer of any party standards, a warrior in an idealogical battle, a corrections officer of any kind. Never, never (John Aldridge, Norman Podhoretz) try to put the author "in his place," making him a pawn in a contest with other reviewers. Review the book, not the reputation. Submit to whatever spell, weak or strong, is being cast. Better to praise and share than blame and ban. The communion between reviewer and his public is based upon the presumption of certain possible joys in reading, and all our discriminations should curve toward that end."

Without any intention or planning, I've formed the same sort of rules for myself. I don't quote any substantial portion of the text, nor do I know of any online reviewers who do. I'm not sure that my reviews are helpful, but I know that a fellow reviewer has her own table at the local library. So many patrons were coming in based on her reviews that the library decided to capitalize on it and set-up a small display.

What do you like to find in a review -- book or otherwise?

Monday, February 05, 2007

Murder Uncorked by Michele Scott

Title: Murder Uncorked

Author: Michele Scott

Genre: Mystery

Summary: A vineyard's success is jeopardized after the death of the wine maker and his secret lover.

The Take-Away: The good part of this book was the mix of recipes and wine pairs. It started well, but turned sour quickly for me.

The owner of the vineyard, Derek Maleveaux, kept referring to his family members as weird and unusual. I didn't see anything that lead me to believe that they were. If he hadn't insisted upon it, I wouldn't have ever thought it about them. I've seen stranger things happen on The O.C.

The story started with, with an excellent conflict and set-up, but it didn't follow through. After the first chapter or two, the writing became wooden, with lots of telling, and little showing. Nikki Sands, the female protagonist, plays amateur detective and seems to think she knows what she is doing, simply because a previous acting role as a cop and guardian aunt who is one in real life. Sands didn't impress me as an amateur detective. It felt too "deus ex machina" for my tastes.

The author did an excellent job working in the enormous amount of detail about vineyards that the reader needed to understand how devastating Gabriel Asanti's, the wine maker, death was. Without him, the vineyard could easily suffer financial ruin. The set-up for this plot point was excellent, and done without any info dumps.

Recommendation: Skip it.

Bonus Review: Magical Musings - Edie Ramer's review lead me to picking up the book. See her point of view for the other side of the story.

January Titles

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Bookworm Report, January 2007

Can it get any colder here? No wonder I've run through so many titles.

Squire, bring forth The List!

Bookworm Review
Year Pages Books
2001 8,006 25
2002 3,995 12
2003 887 2
2004 1,654 5
2005 2,714 8
2006 3,434 11
2007 4,341 14

  • Jigs & Reels : stories by Joanne Harris
  • The Sign of the Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Enigma by Robert Harris
  • Murder Uncorked by Michele Scott
  • Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz
  • Sleep No More by Greg Isles
  • Dark lover by J R Ward
  • White is for Magic by Laurie Faria Stolarz
  • Foul Matter by Martha Grimes
  • Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
  • Magic Kingdom for Sale--Sold! by Terry Brooks
  • The Black Unicorn by Terry Brooks
  • Plum Lovin' by Janet Evanovich
  • Lover eternal : a novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J R Ward

For the year, I've read 14 books, or 4,341 pages, which averages to 14 books a month, or 4,341 pages per month, and an average book length of 362 pages.

I'm always looking for recommendations, so leave a comment and let me know what your favorites are.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #5: Word of the Day

Word of the Day calendars, emails, websites, etc. seem like a good idea to increase vocabulary, but are they? The following list was developed from the one I receive daily, subscribe to through Bloglines or found in my calendar.

  1. oleaginous: 1. resembling or having the properties of oil : oily; also : containing or producing oil; 2. marked by an offensively ingratiating manner or quality.
  2. cudgel: 1. A short heavy stick used as a weapon; a club; 2. To beat with or as if with a cudgel.
  3. eonism: 1.Adoption of female clothing and manners by a male.
  4. miscible: 1.Capable of being mixed; specifically : capable of mixing in any ratio without separation of two phases
  5. cadge: 1.beg, sponge
  6. pettifogger: 1. A petty, unscrupulous lawyer; a shyster. 2. A person who quibbles over trivia. .
  7. nonce: 1. Occurring, used, or made only once or for a special occasion.
  8. hesternal: 1. Of yesterday.
  9. looby: 1. An awkward, clumsy, lazy fellow.
  10. athenaeum: 1. A library or reading room. 2. A literary or scientific club.
  11. insouciant: 1. Happily unconcerned; carefree; nonchalant.
  12. invious: 1. Pathless; untrodden; inaccessible.
  13. rhinorrhea: 1.A runny nose.

My previous Thirteens