Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Saxon Shore by Jack Whyte

Title: The Saxon Shore

Author: Jack Whyte

Genre: Historical

Summary: Merlyn develops grand plans for the infant Arthur with the assistance of his trusted friends. In addition to raising the child, Merlyn must also restore the peace that Camulod has not known since the war between Arthur's father and Lot.

The Take-Away: This title more than the first three has me thinking about free will and how youth is influenced by their elders. Since I know the arch of events to come, I'm forced to wonder how much would have been different if Merlyn had decided that unification of the tribes was too lofty a goal, especially when working for someone who is only an infant.

Whyte does address Merlyn's unwavering conviction, but only in his view of "Saxons" as invaders. Merlyn's ideals truly leave no room for self doubt.

Recommendation: Picking up this title is the closest to starting at the "begining" of the traditional Arthur legends. You'll miss out on the history and development of Camulod by starting here, however.

All the other titles in April

The Camulod Series Series Titles

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